Ginny Knight artist
I suppose at heart, I am a storyteller.
I grew up on the East Coast involved in theatre, art and ballet... "painting" with my body and "painting" with others to form a story. A story of beauty, or sadness. or triumph, or defeat. Whatever the story, it seems it has to be told. The beauty of a young body builder at the height of his strength or the incredible beauty of a young dancer suspended in the air. The beauty of light falling through trees or the overcast splendor of a rainy day.
I was born to tell the story.
God has granted me a unique insight and a grand talent... spread over so many different areas. I started with drawing, then went to scene painting in theater, photographic retouch (before it became digital), floral design, Store design and layout, murals, sculpture and now wood carving. I guess I just cant help myself... Just so many stories to tell in oh, so many ways!
University of Utah.1996-97
Weber State University, BA Theater Arts, Art & Dance 1977
Awards & Nominations:
2018 National Sculpture Society 85 Annual Exhibition
Brookgreen Gardens, SC
Accepted, Piercing the Darkness
2018 OPMAC National Juried Show, Graham, Texas
Honorable Mention, Flight of Fancy
2018 Rio Brazos National Juried Show, Granbury, Texas
Accepted, HIs Father's Son
2017 LGAA Spring National Juried Show, Granbury, TX
Honorable Mention, Flight of Fancy
2014 Rio Brazos National Juried Show, Granbury, TX
Accepted, Country Sunset
2014 LGAA Fall National Juried Show, Granbury, TX
Award Of Merit, Golden Glow
2006 LGAA Fall National Juried Show, Granbury, TX
First Place, Vigil
2006 LGAA Spring National Juried Show, Granbury, TX
Second Place, Road Home